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Monday, September 18 2023 - 9:02 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

Can you not?

Let's make Levin pancakes, let's make Levin pancakes.
You take a-Levin-and-a-smush-him-into-Panned Cakes.

38658: Gobo - Monday, September 18 2023 - 9:17 PM

Levin has risen in my rankings considerably since a certain new character entered the running.

38659: Alcemon - Monday, September 18 2023 - 11:32 PM

Gentlest piledriver ever!

38661: Tom - Monday, September 18 2023 - 8:42 PM

Oh, fake out on the splat.

But pally still wants Levin alive for pragmatic reasons.

38662: Agent_Cook - Tuesday, September 19 2023 - 6:08 AM

At least get rid of the gun

38663: Bogg - Tuesday, September 19 2023 - 10:21 AM

Boh! Levin still lives, unacceptable!

38664: player_03 - Tuesday, September 19 2023 - 10:59 AM

I've been thinking... spirit defense can completely negate punches, and even break the attacker's arm. Coating yourself in spirit can let you shatter rock and metal alike.

But we've never seen a spirit user block a bullet, or even suggest they could do so. Malhart, possibly the best magical fighter we've seen, preemptively disarmed the royal guards rather than trying it.

Is it just that bullets hit hard? But spirit attacks hit harder, and spirit can block spirit. Does everyone shoot gold bullets? No one has ever mentioned that.

Plus, why didn't Jay-Jay just punch the exit open? The exit clearly wasn't made of gold. And Ariara's techno-arm completely absorbed a giant energy sphere. I wonder if the common thread is that anything from Magilante negates magic. Bullets, doors, cyborg arms.

38665: TaranAlvein - Tuesday, September 19 2023 - 4:48 PM

@player_03 - Breaking the door down would be cheating, and I think it's been well-established by now that the game's operators have the means to kill people who break the rules.

38666: Mohegan - Tuesday, September 19 2023 - 6:31 PM

@player_03 I think the players still have an interest in following the rules of the game, especially since we don’t know the full consequences of breaking them or how the punishment would be enacted. Poor Mr Smile-Mask for example.

38683: player_03 - Thursday, September 21 2023 - 11:24 AM

@TaranAlvein @Mohegan On page 3241, Jay-Jay said "that door is locked and not easy to open," making it sound like she actively tried to batter it down. Shalhia, despite being seriously concerned about getting killed by Smile, didn't call her on this.

On page 1142, Tobi broke the unwritten rule of "you should fall to your death when the floor opens beneath you." Yellow Smile explicitly stated that she should be "permanently disabled from entry" at this point, but since she wasn't, they opened the door for her.

Then on page 1153, Tobi defuses a bomb that's meant to blow up both her and Fox, and neither of them suffer any consequences for it.

During the train fight, the ghoul may have done most of the damage, but Shalhia did her own fair share on page 2477 with that "mass ignition." She suffered no consequences for doing this, and Yellow Smile basically told the other teams "tough luck."

So no, I don't accept that damaging Foundation property is in any way against the rules. There must be some other reason Jay-Jay couldn't get through the door.

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