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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Wednesday, September 20 2023 - 10:41 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

Clown Dragging.

Drag the Clown, Ooh ooh ooh, Drag the Clown.

38679: jim - Wednesday, September 20 2023 - 5:27 PM

Jay Jay and Levin are probably allied.

38680: noname - Thursday, September 21 2023 - 2:24 AM

To be absolutely honest: I would assume that any information I got from Levin was meant to lead me in the general direction of an early grave... and the worst part is that he's unfortunately smart enough to bank on it, so he'd give me the kinda information that, when acted upon in accordance with reverse psychology, would lead me in the general direction of an early grave...

38681: Melany - Thursday, September 21 2023 - 4:11 AM

So, by the by: There is now about 90% odds that Maria has a gun.

In the apple and oranges game, the red team threatened Mr. Green with a gun. The red team was Jay-Jay, Maria, Bindy and Levin. This means that one of them had a gun before the penalty round where Levin got the tommy gun - and presumably still has it on their person.

It can't be Jay-Jay, she started the game locked in the confession booth, shares a vault with Shalhia, and she got there before Jay-Jay did. She also doesn't really need a gun to threaten people anyway.

Up until this page, I thought Levin could have a second, concealed gun - but Jay-Jay, being on the same team during the same round, would know if that was the case. And since she seems content with just taking the thompson, it's probably not Levin who has a holdout.

Bindy... could have a gun? Infinite doesn't say anything about it, and she doesn't seem the type to participate in blackmailing the other team, but who knows? Maybe they forced her to cough it up and Infinite just decided to omit that fact.

So unless it's Bindy, Maria is left as the most obvious suspect. She is absolutely duplicious enough to carry a gun and never mention it to anyone. Even if she didn't start the game with any rounds, this maze is probably a good place to find some. So uh.

Neato beans!

38682: Bogg - Thursday, September 21 2023 - 10:37 AM

Aaaaaand, he is back to that smug smirk.
Well done for creating a character I so absolutely despise. I so want to see him suffer, it's what I live for now, haha.

38684: Agent_Cook - Thursday, September 21 2023 - 12:46 PM

Talking with the guy who cannot be trusted under any capacity sounds like wasting valuable time

38685: Fuz - Thursday, September 21 2023 - 12:54 PM

Oh, they're giving him yet another chance. That's smart.

38693: Orange - Friday, September 22 2023 - 1:13 AM

Drag the clown >:D

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