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Neoriceisgood's avatar
Tuesday, December 12 2023 - 12:52 PM
By: Neoriceisgood

Go for the kill.

And so the match ends not in a bang but in a flop.

39932: player_03 - Tuesday, December 12 2023 - 1:17 PM

@nice You were right, instant K.O.

So what did he do there anyway? He seems to have vanished with no effect, then reappeared floating with a glow around him. Or maybe not floating; the last two panels could be happening fast enough for this to be an ordinary jump.

But why the disappearance, and why the glow?

39933: Baprr - Tuesday, December 12 2023 - 1:29 PM

I mean, that Bobs guy did pretty much the same, didn't he? Nothing wrong with starting with your best attack, but it doesn't seem to work if they're aware of you.

39934: Welf - Tuesday, December 12 2023 - 3:40 PM

Did she actually try to stab him, potentially kill him? Held is in need of some social skills.

39936: Paintr - Tuesday, December 12 2023 - 6:58 PM

And so begins Held's training arc. Or maybe she'll use that glowy thing she did and charge even harder.

39937: nameless - Tuesday, December 12 2023 - 9:20 PM

so noone told Held not to use lethal force... Master Z is very confident or incredibly irresponsible. or both.

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